Education – Certification & Training

The Association places utmost importance in educating out members in terms of upgrading their qualifications, training and development


The Association  conducts certifications programs which enables members to be technically competent in general accounting and finance. This includes the ACA Malaysia program and the advanced specialized programs which are both at postgraduate level. Certification is the best way to ensure that professionals in any fields possess the technical ability , strategic thinking and professional integrity needed to be a professional.

Training and development

ACA Malaysia shall represent, promote, advance and protect the interests of all management accountants through the pursuit of excellence and integrity in all spheres of activity undertaken by the Association and to create value for its members by:
  • Establishing a forum for discussion and representation on all issues affecting the members.
  • Enhancing the skills and knowledge of members through CPE and provision of an alternative and flexible avenue for advancement.
  • Enhancing the profile and recognition of its members in all disciplines of accounting, finance, taxation and corporate administration.
  • Creating a qualification that is valued and recognized.


  • The Association focuses on the development and training of finance and accounting professional who are not involved in external auditing and public accounting and those who are accounting and finance staff of SMEs. Associate members who pass the ACA Certified Program will receive certification and elevation to CACA (Certified Accountant) status which will increase their employability.
  • CACA members are accounting and financial professionals who have undergone training on managerial finance, auditing, company law, taxation, financial accounting & reporting and corporate governance & professional ethics and who have thus developed holistic business and financial skills to evaluate potential investment decisions, manage the organisations’ operations effectively and take the lead in driving business success.